Monday, September 8, 2008

Did I really just cook a meal more complex than spaghetti? - Nate Schuur

One of my favorite ways to kill time during the three-and-a-half hour break between classes is browsing the McSweeney's blog. The current post, Ulysses reimagined in a few ways that have probably set James Joyce spinning in his grave, is absolutely excellent.

On Friday, I discovered what I consider to be the best cookbook ever printed on this earth. It's Freshman in the Kitchen by Max and Eli Sussman. I'm a pretty typical teenage male, so the fact that I am offering my praise to-- of all things-- a cookbook, should give some indication of how excellent a cookbook this is. The recipes are extraordinarily easy to follow and quite delicious. I particularly recommend the recipe for stuffed green peppers on page 76. I bought the only copy in the store, but if you check back in a few days, you should be able to find it.

Stay tuned for more.

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