Thursday, September 4, 2008

Life is too short to read bad books.

Of course, what constitutes a bad book is a matter of opinion, and some of the best arguments can be had about books that have made different impressions on different people. But, in the interests of open communication, and of living up to what we said we would do, how about a few books we did not care for (to put it mildly), books that have received lot of hype in other quarters.
One of our best examples is "Glass Books of the Dream Eaters" by Dahlquist. Closely followed by the book that has caused so much fuss recently "Jewel of Medina" the fictional biography of Mohammed's fourth wife. We read advance copies and were distinctly underwhelmed.
We operate a "Don't ask, don't tell" policy on books at Nicola's. If you ask us our opinion, we will offer it, good or bad, but we won't push our opinion on you if you don't wish for it!
Then, just to balance it up, here are a few books we really like, that may be under the radar for you. "Jewel Trader of Pegu" by Hantover - an exquisite little book, all in letters from a nephew in the Far East back to his uncle in Venice set in around 1600. Nigel Slater's "Toast" a memoir of his childhood and particularly, his mother's cooking, and the cooking of England on the 60's and 70's., not exactly its heyday - his memories fit exactly with mine - and his examples are perfect.

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